The Cyprian Norwid City and Regional Public Library in Zielona Góra
and the Association of Polish Librarians, Branch Board in Zielona Góra
would like to invite you to cooperate and participate in the

International Scientific Conference
Modernization of Space and What Next? Experiences and Challenges of Partners

(20-22 November 2024)

The conference will serve to share good professional practices, exchange experiences and views on the role of the modern library and the position of literature, and discuss technological advances and the development of user needs. Together with partners, we will consider the role of the librarian and the author in the modern world as well as the role of modern libraries. We will also exchange experiences on the position of the library and the "high" culture in the broader sense.

The premise of the conference is to confront the views and opinions of theoreticians and practitioners from Poland and abroad on the space of contemporary multifunctional facilities, including multimedia libraries: architectural, social, virtual space (digital library, library in the cloud), cultural, educational and scientific space, space of the recipient, space of the librarian and animator and space of the collection. An important goal is to present the most interesting architectural solutions and functional realizations both in Poland and abroad. The discourse will cover the added values given to a contemporary library: culture (the ability to adapt it in the contemporary space and offer of libraries), new technologies in the library (e-services) and their acceptance by users as well as realizations and modernizations in large and smaller public libraries. Learning about the partner's approaches and working conditions will also improve the professional competence of librarians.

We will host representatives of Polish and foreign libraries participating in the conference. The conference has an interdisciplinary character. The language of the conference is Polish and English. The Programme Council reserves the right to select submitted paper topics. Speakers whose papers are qualified by the Programme Council will be informed by email by October 20, 2024. The organizers anticipate the following time for conference presentations: long paper - 20 minutes, short paper - 10 minutes. Please save the presentations in Powerpoint format (ppt 97-2013). We will provide computers and multimedia projectors for the duration of the conference. The conference programme will be announced in a separate announcement. All information will be posted on the conference website.

One of the elements of the conference will be the Third Forum of Public Libraries of Lubuskie Region in which librarians from the entire region will participate. The conference will provide an opportunity to publish a Polish-English publication „New Technologies and New Spaces. And what's next? Is it worth it or not to modernize libraries?”, which will include the papers of the speakers and will be published by the Scientific and Educational Publishing House of the Polish Librarians Association. The portal as well as journals "Public Library", "Zielonogórskie Studia Bibliotekoznawcze", "Bibliotekarz Lubuski", and "Pro Libris" are patrons of the event.



If you are interested in participating in the conference, please complete the declaration of participation and statement and send the signed documents by October 11, 2024, in the case of speakers with a short abstract of the article (up to 1000 characters) in Polish or English, via email and postal mail to:

Agnieszka Ginko-Humphries:

Wojewódzka i Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna im. Cypriana Norwida w Zielonej Górze
Al. Wojska Polskiego 9, 65-077 Zielona Góra,
phone: 68 45 32 638
e-mail: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.

Monika Simonjetz:

Wojewódzka i Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna im. Cypriana Norwida w Zielonej Górze
Al. Wojska Polskiego 9, 65-077 Zielona Góra,
phone: 68 45 32 619 / 68 45 32 600
e-mail: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.

To download:

declaration (DOCX)


Conference participation fee:

435 PLN - speakers, after the decision of the Programme Council;

370 PLN - conference participants.


The conference fee (per person) includes: organizational costs, conference materials, meals and participation in accompanying events.

Travel and accommodation costs are covered by the delegating institution.

The fee should be paid by October 30, 2024 to the account:

Santander Bank Polska S.A - 59 1090 1535 0000 0000 5301 9070

Please include in the title of the transfer the conference title "Modernization of space and what next? Experiences and challenges of partners".


Participants who wish to obtain an invoice are asked to provide the details of the delegating entity with VAT taxpayer number.

The conference will result in releasing a Polish-English publication that will receive a points-based assessment (in line with the Polish ministerial framework for research in higher education), entitled: „New technologies and new spaces. And what next? Is it worth it or not to modernize libraries?”, which will be created as a result of cooperation with partners and will include the papers of the speakers.